Woking Archery Club Home

Members Target Booking

All members should register their visit to the field via SignUp Genius using the link: https://bit.ly/Back2ArchBooking or the blue button at the top of this page. This enables us to plan maintenance work while the field is not being used.
Instruction on how to change/cancel your bookings are available at the top of the Sign up page.
If you would like to save the link on your smart phone – How to save website shortcuts to my smartphone (Android, iOS and Windows Mobile)

Club News

Surrey Archery Weekend

SAW is back at WAC again this year on 17th and 18th May, organised by WAC members, Helen and Mark Piper, Candy Schofield and Mark Preston. Entries will open on Thursday 13th Feb at 7pm on the AGB Portal.
We will be setting the shoot up on Friday 16th, so if you can spare some time please let the organisers know on saw@surreyarchery.org.

Indoors 2024/25

Indoors shooting this winter season will be in collaboration with Chessington Archery Club at the King’s Centre, Coppard Gardens, Chessington, KT9 2GZ, see their web page here.

Unfortunately we cannot shoot indoors with Lintman Archery Club this year.

Woking Open Shoot

WAC Open Shoot was held on 15th September 2024.

We shot UK Record Status York, Hereford and Bristols for all age groups. You can view Results on Ianseo.net, here.

31 July ’22 – Memorial Shoot

Club News – 07 Aug ’22 – Club Shoot – Nationals

Starting in April, we run a monthly Club Shoot based on the various National rounds, at the end of which trophies (for score as well as handicap adjusted score) are awarded. The handicap trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placings for both seniors and juniors. The National shoots and the scoring structure is to encourage and recognise our archers’ progress and effort, whatever their experience and ability.

Thanks to those members that joined in and would be great to see some of our new members. Contact the committee or committee members with any questions.

31 July ’22 – Memorial Shoot

On Sunday 31 July the club had a Memorial Shoot where members shot one of the various Westerns made avaiable with their chose bow type.
Thanks to those members who joined and congrautlations to the following:
Overall Recurve – Gary Myles
Overall Longbow – Alan Ruffle
Overall Barebow – Sophie Smith
Half Overall Score Recurve – Helen Ruffle
Overall Longbow Hits – Keith Pritchard
Most Blues Recurve – Jason Van Baston
Most Golds Longbow – Alan Ruffle