2018 classification achievements recognised in Archery UK

Archery GB have announced this year’s achievements in Archery UK magazine Winter 2018 edition
Here are the Woking Archery Club members that have achieved awards recognised, Huge congratulations to everyone.

GMB – Recurve – Louisa Piper
GMB – Compound – Matthew Tuck

MB – Barebow – Angus Wilson

Junior MB Under 18 – Recurve
– Louisa Piper
– James Woodgate

Junior MB Under 16 – Recurve – Louisa Piper

Field Archery – WA Arrowhead – Recurve
– White – Eleanor Piper
– Black – Louisa Piper

Sport Woking Awards wins for WAC

A great evening for Working Archery Club at the Woking Sports Awards.
Special congratulations to our winners Candy Schofield winning Woking Volunteer of the Year and Louisa Piper who won Woking Sports Personality of the year.
Congratulations to all of this evening’s awards winners.

FLAG shoot Aug 2018

We had a great day on Sunday, shooting the second leg of the “Flag.” Field Captain, Chris Woodgate, kept everything moving along nicely, just in case the weather turned for the worst. but as it was, we only had a heavy drops of rain here and there.

The BBQ went down very well at lunch, as did the sandwiches and cakes we had after the shoot, while the results were being calculated.

Our Lady Paramount, Nicola Davies, did an excellent job of handing out the medals and it was lovely to see all 4 Clubs receive lots of medals. Congratulations to Guildford for winning the Albion Team Trophy and Junior Team Trophy this year and Alton & Four Marks winning the Windsor Team Trophy.

I must thank Kevin Molloy and Andrew Cawte from Guildford, for running the very efficient scoring programme and getting the results out quickly.

Also thank you, the archers, from all 4 Clubs – Farnham, Alton & Four Marks, Guildford and Woking Archery Club – for making the day so enjoyable.

As with all shoots, there are so many people behind the scenes helping out to make the day a success. So I wish to thank Brenda and Pete, Chris Woodgate and Kate, Susan Bayley, Dave Stickland, Alan and Alex for coming down Saturday afternoon to help set out the field and put up gazebos. And on Sunday – A huge thank you to Kelly for doing all the cooking, Nicola, Kate and Sue Cox for helping with the kitchen.

See the FLAG results here.


Helen Ruffle
Competition & Tournament Officer
Woking Archery Club

A massive thank you to Helen Ruffle who tirelessly makes sure all our shoots happen and run smoothly. If its not be immediately obvious, Helen spends many hours making sure everything is organised not just on the day but before and afterwards.

A guaranteed win for WAC at the Youth Festival

A guaranteed win for Woking AC with James Woodgate and Louisa Piper are up against each other in gold mixed team match at the Youth Festival this morning – at around 10.20. It will live streaming online and live scores on Ianseo.

James and Louisa are in opposing teams in the gold medal mixed team final today at Lilleshall.
The event video can be viewed on Facebook here

Thanks to the Volunteers at the Surrey Archery Weekend

Candy and Mark organise the Surrey Archery Weekend on behalf of the county and AGB.
This is a Tier 1 event for National Rankings and is the largest archery event in the country.
People came from Scotland down to the West Country with several international archers competing.

These photos are of the Field Crew (9 WAC members) and the Recurve line (see if you can spot the WAC archers!)

British Team into the 2018 World Cup in Berlin

The British team including Eleanor Piper have won two shoot-offs in three matches to make the gold medal match at the fourth stage of the 2018 Hyundai Archery World Cup in Berlin, Germany.
Good luck in the finals

Watch the GB team in the gold medal match at the fourth stage of the 2018 Hyundai Archery World Cup in Berlin, Germany will be showing live on the BBC website tomorrow morning just after 8:30 a link with details is below.

AGB Summer Metrics

Calling all WAC junior archers! The sun is out, school holidays are looming and that can only mean one thing – the AGB Summer Metrics are upon us once again!
So, visit the AGB website:
Check what distances you should be shooting (remember to do this on an 80cm face though), download a scoresheet and ask an adult to score you. Then use the SurveyMonkey link to directly enter your best score shot during July or August but before 23rd Sept.
Good luck and happy shooting!